

My business model is simple - take the hard stuff off your plate so your story can shine!


Developmental Editing

A deep dive into your story. I’ll provide you feedback in your manuscript on your plot, characters, scenes, and more. We’ll identify what is working and where your story has room for improvement. We’ll dive deep into the structure behind your story and make it stronger.

You can count on:

  • Editing for voice and tone consistency

  • Editing for structure, reader engagement, and language use

  • Suggestions for edits and rewrites

  • A detailed, constructive critique

  • Your document edited using Microsoft Word Track Changes

Industry Standard Rates

Manuscript Evaluation

Instead of specific feedback within your manuscript, I will provide an evaluation letter containing feedback with examples and a roadmap for future editing services or self-editing. This is a medium level developmental edit.

You can count on:

  • Editing for voice and tone consistency

  • Editing for structure, reader engagement, and language use

  • A detailed, constructive critique

  • Your document edited using Microsoft Word Track Changes

Industry Standard Rates


Beta Reading

A read through of your manuscript while providing general feedback in a document type of your choice. This is the lightest level developmental edit.

You can count on:

  • A detailed, constructive critique

  • Your document edited using Microsoft Word Track Changes

Industry Standard Rates


Here we examine every word and keystroke in your manuscript to catch typos, correct grammar, and ensure consistency. I’ll look at grammar, spelling, language, and syntax while referencing your chosen style guide.

You can count on:

  • Editing with your ideal reader in mind

  • Review according to the Chicago Manual of Style

  • Review for grammar, punctuation, and spelling

  • Feedback that will strengthen and improve your work

  • Your document edited using Microsoft Word Track Changes

Industry Standard Rates



The final edit of your manuscript. After your manuscript has been indexed and formatted, I will conduct a final read through to catch typos and grammar errors remaining in your manuscript.

You can count on:

  • Editing with your ideal reader in mind

  • Proofreading according to the Chicago Manual of Style

  • Proofreading for grammar, punctuation, and spelling

  • Your document edited using Microsoft Word Track Changes

Industry Standard Rates